Brocolli, cabbage and cucumber! Who would have thought that the anti-ageing compound will be found in these vegetables. But it’s true.

As we age, our bodies, lose NAD levels or, to be more precise, a gradual decline in NAD levels causes our body to age.
For long, scientists have searched for the tangible molecule that could be converted to NAD – a precursor to life giving energy..
In their search, they discovered NMN (nicotinamide mono nucleotide)
NMN is converted to NAD, which in turn is used in a variety of enzymatic processes in our body, rejuvenating itself from within.
NMN is now available in a powder form that is white in color and sour in taste.
It is water soluble but gets degraded on exposure to moisture.
NMN supplementation has been found to have benefits in many body systems.
From metabolic pathways to cardiac health to brain agility. The human trials are in process.
Meanwhile, anecdotal reports from people taking the supplements shows benefits ranging from better insulin levels and energy in diabetic patients, better hair, joints, muscles, skin…it works virtually pan body to rejuvenate it.